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Your horse shines thanks to our productsfrom hair to hoof

Products, yoursHorse in terms of health, cleanliness and well-being, there is a dime a dozen. However, with the products we developed in-house from the ARAN-YA shop, you can always be sure that they are only made with the highest quality ingredients. The active ingredients are, if possible, either natural or of organic quality, so as not to damage your darling on four hooves with the chemical club. Get a first overview of the versatile ones herehorse care products  from our range!


"Top fit from head to toe, healthy and handsome to look at" - if you can say that about people, the comparable hymn of praise for a horse would probably be "from hair to hoof". Of course, that would already be two of the most important categories that can be used to determine the good condition of your horse. Accordingly, you will find various products for the fur andHoof care in our shop, but the repertoire is far from complete. Basically we offer horse care products...


  • for a shiny overall appearance and coat care, also differentiated for gray horses and black horses

  • for areas of the body that require special care such as the mane, tail and fetlock as well as hooves and frogs

  • or to control fungi, mites, black flies or midges.


The dreaded summer eczema in horses can also be effectively contained with products from ARAN-YA. With our warming or cooling gel, which you can also buy cheaply in our shop, a wide variety of stresses in equestrian sports can be managed much more easily - and it's good for your horse!

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Combat small tormentors in horses with products that have a great effect

Possibly haveAutumn grass mites your horse infested? The tiny, spider-like parasites nest in the horse's skin and multiply there. Their excretions in particular can cause painful inflammation, which usually results in terrible itching. But one or the other fungus is also responsible for bald spots in the horse's coat, which not only look ugly, but also itch extremely unpleasantly. In these and other cases, our organic care components help your horse to regenerate skin and coat quickly. The products relieve itching and prevent mites and fungi from settling again.


Your horse can protect its "key points" with products from ARAN-YA

As experienced experts for the optimal care of livestock, we know what is particularly important for horses. So it's no secret that the noble animals are particularly dependent on the perfect condition of their legs and hooves. That's why you can order several products from us that focus on these "key points" of your favorite. For example, the fetlock bend - located at the back of the horse's leg directly above the hoof - is endangered by infestation with the eczema known in technical jargon as "mauke". It is favored by cold weather and muddy floors, but the risk is contained or eliminated with our specially formulated care products for the ankle bend. The hooves of the four-legged friend are at least as permanently stressed, especially the sensitive frog. ARAN-YA has also developed specially tailored horse care products for these exposed areas, which can contribute to their comprehensive protection.


If you want to know how and when your horse benefits best from which of our products, you are of course welcome to contact us with your questions.


Describe the main features of the service and its benefits.


 Strahlfäule, Maucke, rissige Hufe

Alles Probleme die einen freien Lauf stören können. Durch Produke von ARAN-YA  können diese Beschwerden kurzfristig gelindert werden. 


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